1112 Park Avenue | Emery Roth & Sons

We recently had the privilege to begin work at 1112 Park Avenue, which was built in 1927 by noted architect Emery Roth, as a white glove, full-service pre-war cooperative, ideally located in the heart of Carnegie Hill and is deemed one of its finest. 

Emery Roth & Sons (1938-1996) was a family-run architecture firm that had a major influence on the post-war development of Manhattan, their high-rise buildings mainly incorporating Beaux-Arts and Art Deco style details. 

In 1938 the architect Emery Roth (1871-1948), renowned for upscale Manhattan apartment buildings like the Beresford and the San Remo, renamed his practice Emery Roth & Sons to reflect the inclusion of his sons Julian and Richard as partner, who together designed and constructed over 50 notable New York buildings. Many deemed to be among NYC's finest Pre-war and Post-war landmarks - to name a few; Hotel Belleclaire (1903), Ritz Tower (1925), Hotel Benjamin (1927) , The Beresford (1929), The El Dorado (1929–31), The San Remo (1930), The Ardsley (1931), 2 Sutton Place South (1938), The Normandy (1938), 300 East 57th Street (1947). 

We replaced dreadful aluminum inserts at 1112 Park Avenue, while keeping with NYC LPC, and the aesthetic beauty of Double Hung 6 over 6's. All while saying so long to weights and chains in favor of more energy efficient insulated double pane spiral balances sashes with sealed pockets and perimeters.