Double-hung windows are one of the most common, and popular, window styles. They consist of two sashes, one hung over the other. The lower sash raises and the upper sash lowers, with the potential for the two sashes to bypass each other.
New York City’s 2019 Climate Mobilization Act includes a goal to reduce overall carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050, by 2030 an estimated 50,000 residential and commercial buildings will need to collectively cut their carbon emissions by 40 percent, and intermediate reductions begin in 2024.
Local Law 97, or the Building Emissions Law, is the cornerstone of New York City’s Climate Mobilization Act. It’s one of the most ambitious climate change laws on the books.
Your home and office is our jobsite, and we’re sensitive to and understand your concerns as the NYC metro region readies to reopen. Your safety is our top priority, so we’re providing a summary of our reopening plan with you.